European Stage

Circularity and Leadership: Driving the Journey Toward a Sustainable Business Model

Day 1 : 12:30 – 13:00

Sweden has long been at the forefront of sustainable development. Transitioning from conventional business models to more circular and sustainable models requires developing new strategies and working with innovative designs and leadership. In this session, Dennis Li, Sustainability Business Partner at DFI IKEA, and Kim Hellström, Green Investment Project Manager at H&M Group, will together with Aigul Safiullina, Ecosystem and Sustainability Lead at The DO Asia, discuss their work and approaches to a circular business model and the role of leadership in achieving it.


  • What is needed to accelerate development to reach identified goals?
  • The role of leadership in achieving circularity.
  • How does the journey toward circularity impact the value chain?

Post-event Actions

  • Learn about the experience and strategies employed to reach circularity by a major Swedish company.
  • Understanding the role of leadership in achieving circularity.


Aigul Safiullina

The DO Asia

Head of Ecosystem and Sustainability

Aigul is the Head of Ecosystem and Sustainability at The DO Asia, an award winning social impact platform with a mission to enable companies and individuals to thrive in a purposeful economy that is sustainable and innovative. With a background in environmental journalism across 3 continents and passion for climate leadership and mental wellbeing, she has become one of the pioneers of zero waste movement in Hong Kong. She is an active member of the Sustainability Committee of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong.

Aigul is also a Climate Leader trained under Al Gore in Mexico, certified breathwork facilitator and sound therapist.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

1. To bring together all ecosystem players as only together we can make tangible impact and change the status quo.
2. To include environmental health as one of the crucial pillars of our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Kim Hellström

H&M Group

Green Investment Project Manager

Kim has been setting the long-term climate strategy for H&M Group. He has a passion for transparency and communication, working against corporate greenwashing.

Kim is committed to work with people’s mindset and ambitions to steer decision making. Recently he moved to our production organization to set up our green investment organization and finance our suppliers transition away from fossil fuel. .

My sustainability goals for 2024:

  • I would love to see much more investment in solar and wind.
  • My personal experience is that the ocean is getting dirtier, so I would hope to see that change.
  • Why is there not a proper “pant-system” in HK, I am sure that would be very efficient here to avoid trash.

Dennis Li


Sustainability Business Partner

Dennis Li is the Sustainability Business Partner of DFI IKEA North Asia. Prior to joining IKEA, Dennis worked across healthy and beauty, food and convenience retailing, in both Canada and Hong Kong.

My Sustainability Goals for 2024:

At IKEA, we want to have a positive impact on people, society and the planet. For us, it’s about balancing economic growth and positive social impact with environmental protection and regeneration. Our vision, to create a better everyday life for the many people, is our inspiration.

We don’t have all the answers and can’t achieve our goals alone. We’re working together with partners and striving to balance securing both economic growth and positive social impact with environmental protection and regeneration.

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